Sports coaching and teaching
Skiing is more fun than you ever think!
Coming soon
Video clinic
Get a ski analysis
This is your opportunity to have your cross country skiing technique analysed by experts and improve your technique! Send us a video of you skiing and our experts will analyse your technique. Based on the analysis, our coaches will provide you with tips to help you refine your technique and make skiing even more enjoyable!
At our video clinic, our coaches will analyse your skiing video and give you tips on how to improve your skiing technique.
- Filming your video could not be easier – you can use the camera on your phone! Detailed instructions for filming can be found on the product order page.
- The skiing style is up to you (classic / skate style)
- Response time is approximately 2-3 days
- This service is suitable for both beginners and experienced skiers.
Video training
Develop your technique
At our weekly video training sessions, our trainer will film your skiing technique and give you a detailed video analysis of it. Video training is particularly useful to somewhat experienced skiers who are looking for detailed guidance in correcting and improving their skiing technique.
Video training sessions are arranged weekly during the winter season. The duration of each session is 45 minutes and the maximum number of participants is 10 people.
Our trainer will analyse the skiing technique of each participant and give immediate, practical feedback to help you correct your technique if needed.
I addition to this, the video material will be analysed and based on the analysis our trainer will send you a more detailed technique analysis within 24 hours of the training.
The video training sessions are also available for groups (e.g. work wellbeing) and can be arranged anywhere around the capital area at a time that suits you!
Skiing courses
Train in group
Are you looking to learn how to ski or to develop your technique in group training? Whatever your current level, we have the course for you! We provide skiing courses in four different level groups.
Group skiing courses available
- Beginners’ Skiing
- Intermediate Skiing
- Goal-oriented Skiing
- Racing techniques
The courses entail, depending on the fitness and skill level of participants, e.g.:
- Technique training in both classic and skate style
- Interval training
- Specific technique training on e.g. double-poling
- Other supporting exercises such as circuit or gym training
Personal coaching
Develop your technique
Our personal coaching service is a goal-oriented coaching project, which is a great way to prepare for a mass skiing event, for example. The project will be tailored to suit each clients individual goals and needs.
Our personal coaching service is built around face-to-face meetings with our coach. During the meetings our coach will analyse the client’s technique, give advice on making improvements and devise a training plan to make sure our client will reach their goal. In addition to this, the meetings are a great way to monitor technique development and adjust the training programme if necessary.
- A project-based coaching package, consisting of three face-to-face meetings with our coach
- Goal-oriented, detailed technique coaching
- A video analysis of your technique
- An analysis of your classic skiing style using the Race Fox digital skiing coach
- Practical feedback on your technique and exercise instructions to help you fix any issues
- A training programme and technique exercises for you to follow in between the meetings
Elite coaching
Limited places
We offer elite coaching for national teams and elite athletes as well as expert services in the field of elite sports and cross-country skiing.
Due to his background as an elite athlete, our coach Anssi Pentsinen is an expert in the field of elite coaching.
Our service packages are tailor made according to the client’s needs based on one of the following areas
- Coaching a national team or acting as an expert for the team
- Personal elite athlete coaching
- Expert services and lectures in the field of elite sports
Life coaching
Chance your lifestyle
Are you looking for expert advice on weight loss or help with reaching a certain goal? In addition to ski training, we offer wellbeing and life coaching to individuals and groups.
Our wellbeing and life coaching packages are tailor made according to the starting level, resources and preferences of the client.
Our goal is to help our clients make a permanent change in their life, not to provide a short term quick fix. This coaching package is particularly well suited for
- Weight loss and management
- Exercise
- Health and wellbeing
- Improving your energy levels We also offer lectures on these topics for all kinds of events.
Online training
Develop your technique
Our ready-made online training plans are an excellent choice for beginners, people looking for new ideas in exercising and for more experienced sports enthusiasts.
You can download your training plan as soon as the payment has been processed!
Each plan includes tailor-made exercise instructions, access to a video database with instructions on all exercises and a detailed eating plan or dietary guidelines to support the training (depending on the plan).
Available plans
- Weight management
- Preparing for a mass skiing event
- Improving your general fitness level
- A beginner’s guide to endurance sports
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How to brake with roller skies
Safety tips
Method 1 – Suitable for all speeds – Keep the weight behind – Make skis in your skis – stretch your legs and resist movement – Keep the front wheels away.
Method 2 – Suitable for quiet speeds – keep your weight behind – takes your legs wide to the crotch position – Slowly slip the skis into the plow position – keep the front wheels away and avoid turning too sharp at a time.
Method 3 – Fits all speeds – requires a lot of learning and skill – Stand all the weight on another slide – slipping off another skis across the country – do not afford to skate the skis.
Emergency Braking – If prevention Has Failed, The Fastest Way To Stop is Crashing – Learn To Find The Most Safe Places Immediately To Make Emergency Braking The lawn is always better than asphalt.